A Great uge Thank You to Some Great People! have to send out a huge thanks to Paul Phoenix Photography for shoring the pictures used inn the composition of this first Print. I also need to thank the models who are portraying the female characters from Outbreak Z/ So Melanie, Lea,Tori, Cayla, Rachel and Theressa, a huge thanks to you all ladies. You make the bad ass found in all of these characters spring to the fore! With costumes at the ready, I am looking forward to doing some Cosplay at the Great Philadelphia Comic Con on April 9th. Coo Fact: I moved to the United States 16 Years ago on that very day! So check out these links Rachel's Cosplay Page : HERE Paul's Phoenix Photography Page: If you are looking for Professional Pics at affordable Proces, visit Phoenix Photography. A NDHERE and of course the Great Philadelphia Comic Con in Oaks April 7th - 9th at http://www.philadelphiacomiccon.com Here is looking forward to some more great Photoshoos as we ...