A New Dawn

It is A New Dawn! It must be because I finally caved and decided it was time to become a Blogger..... and it seems that there are no rules about Blogging except thousands of videos telling me to sell and boost SEO. Picture taken at the Landale Zombie walk Landsdale Pennsylvania: Nov.2016 The fact of the matter is, if I am going to put the effort into writng a blog a couple of times a week it is going to serve one purpose and that is to connect with those people who read my books and appreciate my work. If that increases visibility and search ability along the lines, then that will be awesome, what I really want to know is what people actually feel and think when thy read my work. For those who have not read my books yet: Congratulations, a great adventure awaits you at the other end of this link: My Amazon Page . For those who have I thank you for your support. I have to admit I still feel awkward using the term "Fans", I find it hard, even with my crazed ...